Harris’s Agenda Signals Tech Optimism

Democratic nominee plans to lead on AI, chips

Sep 9, 2024

On Sunday, Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris signaled her intent to champion American innovation in adding an issues section to her campaign website. The update adds more color to Harris’s tech agenda, which prioritizes American leadership on semiconductors, clean energy, and artificial intelligence. 

Harris’s issues agenda includes plans to:

  • “Continue to support American leadership in semiconductors, clean energy, AI, and other cutting-edge industries of the future.”
  • “Invest in the competitive advantages that make America the strongest nation on Earth—American workers, innovation, and industry—and will work to ensure America remains a leader in the industries of the future.”
  • “Increase access to capital for small businesses and bring venture capital to parts of middle America that have for too long been overlooked.”

“What jumps out to me is that her first instinct when talking about tech is to promote U.S. leadership and bring more tech jobs to more places,” said Chamber of Progress Founder and CEO Adam Kovacevich. “That’s a refreshing change from the administration’s tone the last four years – and more in line with most voters’ optimism about tech.”

New reporting shows that tech industry workers overwhelmingly support Harris, who has sparked hopes of a ‘reset’ on tech since her ascension to the top of the ticket. President Biden leaves a mixed tech policy record, with accomplishments like the passage of the landmark Chips Act. At the same time, Biden presided over an aggressive approach to antitrust enforcement that’s drawn criticism from tech and legal scholars alike.


Chamber of Progress (progresschamber.org) is a center-left tech industry policy coalition promoting technology’s progressive future.  We work to ensure that all Americans benefit from technological leaps, and that the tech industry operates responsibly and fairly.  

Our corporate partners do not have a vote on or veto over our positions. We do not speak for individual partner companies and remain true to our stated principles even when our partners disagree.