House Antitrust Bills Target Tech Conveniences that Consumers Like
Jun 11, 2021

Chamber of Progress, a new center-left tech industry coalition promoting technology’s progressive future, responded today to new antitrust legislation proposed by members of the House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee.  Chamber of Progress CEO Adam Kovacevich issued the following statement:

“Giving antitrust enforcers more funding and encouraging data portability are relatively uncontroversial ideas, but banning conveniences like Amazon Basics brand batteries, Apple’s Find my Phone tool, or Google Maps appearing in Google search results are ideas that would spark a consumer backlash.  And strangely, these bills could make it harder, not easier, for platforms to remove hate, speech, and disinformation.  Instead of focusing on helping families, these proposals inexplicably target a bunch of technological conveniences that most people really like.”

For more information see:

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Chamber of Progress ( is a new center-left tech industry policy coalition promoting technology’s progressive future.  We work to ensure that all Americans benefit from technological leaps, and that the tech industry operates responsibly and fairly.  

Our corporate partners do not have a vote on or veto over our positions. We do not speak for individual partner companies and remain true to our stated principles even when our partners disagree.