Algorithm Ban Would Spread Harmful Social Content

On Tuesday, Reps. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), David Cicilline (D-R.I.), Lori Trahan (D-Mass.) and Burgess Owens (R-Utah) introduced legislation requiring social media platforms to let users select a version of their services where content selections are not driven by algorithms. The new legislation comes in response to the Facebook whistleblower documents, although industry experts have warned… Continue reading Algorithm Ban Would Spread Harmful Social Content

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ICYMI: Chamber of Progress Fact Checks Sen. Klobuchar’s Claims

On Wednesday, Chamber of Progress CEO Adam Kovacevich published a Medium post fact-checking Sen. Klobuchar’s claims that her American Choice and Innovation Online Act (S. 2992) would not break Amazon Prime. Politico’s Morning Tech newsletter covered the pushback against Sen. Klobuchar’s bill: “The post was written in response to a document circulated by Klobuchar’s office, which said her bill… Continue reading ICYMI: Chamber of Progress Fact Checks Sen. Klobuchar’s Claims

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Senate Hearing Today: Chamber of Progress and Family Online Safety Institute Submit Testimony

On Tuesday, Chamber of Progress and the Family Online Safety Institute submitted written testimony to the Senate in the lead up to today’s hearing, Protecting Kids Online. Together, the organizations call for passage of the CAMRA Act, legislation which would support NIH research into the impact of digital media on children. The bill has received… Continue reading Senate Hearing Today: Chamber of Progress and Family Online Safety Institute Submit Testimony

Biden’s New Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy A Step Forward for Digital Freedom

On Monday, the Biden Administration announced plans to launch a new bureau within the State Department focused on cybersecurity, digital freedom, and promoting trusted telecom systems abroad. Chamber of Progress CEO Adam Kovacevich releases the following statement:  “This comes just one day after news broke that Russia has launched yet another cyberattack targeting the United… Continue reading Biden’s New Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy A Step Forward for Digital Freedom

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Chamber of Progress and CCIA Call on Biden to Appoint Fifth FCC Commissioner

On Friday, Chamber of Progress and the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) urged President Biden to appoint a fifth commissioner to the Federal Communications Commission. The delay in nominating a fifth member to the five-member has been historic and has put parts of the Administration’s agenda on issues like broadband and net neutrality on hold. Read the full… Continue reading Chamber of Progress and CCIA Call on Biden to Appoint Fifth FCC Commissioner

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CFPB Signals Attack on Tech Payment Companies Over Competition

On Thursday, the CFPB’s Director Rohit Chopra ordered a half-dozen tech companies to turn over information on their payment systems, citing concerns about anti-competitive practices in the industry. Chopra sought data from six companies: Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Paypal, and Square. “The CFPB should absolutely police the finance industry, especially when traditional banks have overcharged… Continue reading CFPB Signals Attack on Tech Payment Companies Over Competition

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Commercial Delivery Drones Announced for Dallas-Fort Worth Area

On Wednesday, Wing announced plans to begin operating commercial drone delivery in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the second U.S. municipality to host Wing’s drone delivery, and the first major U.S. metro area to do so. In Little Elm and Frisco, Wing is launching a new door-to-door delivery partnership with Walgreens, which will use Wing’s drones to fly… Continue reading Commercial Delivery Drones Announced for Dallas-Fort Worth Area

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